Monthly Archives: January, 2021

10 Performance Marketing Strategies to Follow in 2021

As we have approached the year 2021, it’s time to look ahead at what marketing trends  are expected to be seen in 2021. Its time to think on a strategic level. If you think your tried and tested marketing strategies that once used to give favourable results are no longer working, then its time to switch to some fresh ideas to help acquire new customers and drive revenue. Not sure where to start? Lets get a close look by observing specific performance marketing trends for 2021.

Performance Marketing Trends for 2021 seems to be a different, and almost a contradictory notion. Firstly, it talks about tailoring content to fit the individual’s need for more people engagement. Secondly, it talks about technical optimization, to achieve the desired performance behind-the-scenes, like Search Engine Optimization and campaign management at the company level or at the product level.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

If you are not aware of it, 2021 might be the year that all of us wake up to the dominance of the Artificial Intelligence (AI). Now, I can be at the centre of worldwide business industry in the future.

According to Techgrabyte:

“Artificial intelligence is the biggest commercial opportunity for companies, industries, and nations over the next few decades” and “will increase global GDP by up to 14% between now and 2030,” which means that “AI latecomers will find themselves at a serious competitive disadvantage within the next several years.”

Artificial Intelligence can analyse consumer’s behaviour and their search patterns, and get data from various social media platforms, articles and blog posts to assist industries recognize how customers find their products and services.

2. Chatbots

Chatbots will remain to be a significant part of performance marketing in the year 2021. This AI-based technology utilizes instant messaging to chat in real-time with customers or site visitors.

There are surveys that show:

By 2021, Chatbots will increase 85% of customer service. Few benefits of using Chatbots are 24-hour service, prompt response to inquiries, and answers to simple questions. 53% of respondents favour messaging  on an online chatbot to interconnect with a business or brand. By 2022, Chatbots will help industries save over $7 billion per annum.

3. Featured Snippets & No-Click Searches

For last many years, the main objective of Search Engine Optimization has been to rank your keywords in the top most search results. Now, in 2021, the end-goal is continuing to shift to more SEO visibility in “position zero.”

4. Conversational Marketing Trends

Conversational marketing trends are also one of the most upcoming trends to follow in 2021. With all the discussions around Chatbots, the authenticity of current marketing becomes strong and it is now more conversational. Customers want it that way, and hence the businesses are responding. If a consumer asks a question, 75% need an “immediate” response. Conversational marketing simplifies a real-time connection between marketers and customers.

5. Ad-blocker blockers

Another important thing to watch out for in 2021 is overcoming obstacles like Ad blockers. One third of the users like to use Ad Blockers in 2021. For those who aren’t aware of the term Ad-blocker- it is also known as content blocker and is primarily used to prevent ad visibility on websites. These can be standalone programs or customized web extensions.

6. Images and Video Marketing

Image and Video marketing has become a significant performance marketing trend in recent years and is expected to grow in the years to come. We are aware  of the process of image search and video search by entering the keywords in the search bar, but what you don’t know is, that you can also submit an existing image for the same in the Search Engines or even search for the context of it. As the number of consumers explore these visual search practices, it modifies the overall landscape of SEO in general.

7. Interactive Content

Interactive content can be a powerful trend in 2021 in the Performance Marketing industry. It is being considered as the best method. It doesn’t just support more user engagement; instead, it also engages consumers in a joyful way. Some of the examples of Interactive content are online surveys, polls, quizzes, questions & answers, contests, calculator widgets, etc. These can work miracles for your product branding.

8. Customer Segmentation

The digital marketing industry is noticing a newly popular trend known as customer segmentation. This is elementary. Instead of conducting a lesser number of huge marketing campaigns targeting broader audiences; it’s good to have a large number of small marketing campaigns targeting specific audiences.

9. Influencer Based Marketing

Word-of-mouth marketing method that emphasizes on using significant leaders to increase your brand communication to a greater marketplace. In Influencer based Marketing, influencers can be well-known celebrities, Instagram or YouTube personalities with a huge number of people following. They help spreading the word about your brand through their social media interactions.

10. Social Messaging Apps

Social Messaging Apps are applications and platforms that allow instant messaging services. Several apps are being developed in the market enabling status updates, Chatbots, payments and conversational commerce (e-commerce via chat). These apps can be very useful in sending messages to customers directly, as they allow personalization and add value to the user experience. 

Irrespective of your goals, there are many innovative strategies that can help you reach them. From specific targeting to trying out new channels our strategies can help boost your performance and find you new customers.

So are you ready to cover up for 2020 and start afresh with new strategies that can work wonders for your business in 2021. Get ahead of competition by planning your campaigns in advance. Connect with our campaign strategists to know more about driving performance this year. Our team can help you plan creatives and help you kick-start to reach your quarterly and annual goal .

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